Wanted to stop by the blog, I know that it feels abandoned but so doesn't my computer. I have been busy this week in the studio for my photo shoot Saturday for Cuddle Fly's Summer Line it has been a long time coming the Grand Re-opening of my beloved boutique. Life has calmed down enough or shall I say calmed down about as much as its going to get, and I miss my store. My etsy store has been lonely, my website feels abandoned and My sewing machines are screaming my name and I have finally answered there calls. I haven't forgotten my beloved and devoted followers but have been working, I have 8 patterns that I'm reviewing at the moment so stay tuned to some awesome reviews and a few coupons and giveaways to my fellow sewers out there. I am also working on an awesome review for Log your memory I cant wait to get all of the goodies in the mail and to share them with all of you. I have posted a few pics showing how hard I have been working my poor studio is a mess fabric everywhere, ribbons, glue gun, embroidery thread I'm in heaven, LOL I guess only a sewing and crafting junkie like myself would understand that even though life is stressful and some nights I'm not sleeping until well after 3 am because I cant seem to be able to put the scissors down, the end product is always worth it. The smile on my face to see my vision come together or the smile on my children's faces when they get that something New whether it be clothes, something for there room, or just something fun. I can honestly say sewing is the best therapy in the world, amongst all the chaos in my life it grounds me and channels all that raw emotion into something positive. I love my new summer line and it will defiantly be hard to part with some of the pieces because they are the rebirth of my site, the love that has gone behind each piece is more than I can express, I have the best job in the world because I get to sew which I love to do, but I also get to make a child, mom, dad, or other family member smile, and there are no words for that. I will see all of you tomorrow on Follow me Friday but until then. Happy Sewing, Crafty, Embroidering, Happy Crafting.
Me in the studio At the Beloved Trusty Singer
A sneak Peak at one of the outfits, Stay Tuned for more pics
Oh...........I can honestly say I now know and AGREE with the fact that you can truly SEW away stress! I have been LOVING getting into it! :-)
I know it's been awhile since I have seen you but can I just say that you look fantastic!
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