Monday, July 19, 2010

Life upside down Right Side Up Again

WOW where has the past month gone, I want to first start by apologizing to my loyal readers. I feel like I had so much going on this past month. that I abandoned you all. I love all my blogging friends and find comfort in your daily words of inspiration but allot has been on our plate this past month, and I had to take a step back from the blog world and just be a MOM and Wife first. As many of you know I have a beautiful little red head with various special needs she shows me every day what stength really is as well as a handsome and wonderful little boy that isn't so little anymore. A quick update on our life here with Crafty Mom. My Son B turned 5 on the 26th of May cant believe that, since his birthday we have had allot going on medically in our house. Our beautiful little girl had some bad side effects to the 2nd medicine that we were trying her on for her Sensory disorder and so we had to deal with some rough weeks, since then we have started a new medicine and keeping our fingers crossed and prayers raised that the 3rd time will be the charm. So far so good, and she seems to be tolerating it really well. We have also had a change in her therapist as we have recently gotten a new Speech Therapist that specializes in working with Autistic children which is wonderful because she has been able to look at C's Case and shine some light on it for us. I also have found that C loves her new therapist which is wonderful as it normally takes her so long to warm up to people. We have also been in search for a new attendant to work with her on a full time basis to help Mommy out a little,some days overwhelmed is an understatement. I have also been going Thur some medical things but hoping that they are dying down as most of my time is concentrating on C's care and being the best mom I can be to Both of my babies. B also had surgery last week so we are taking it easy for the next month or so which really sucks for him as its summer break and I feel bad that he cant rough house with his friends but he is healing quickly and i know that Aug 23rd will be here before we know it. So there's the skinny of what we have been up to the last month or so and I'm glad to be back in my blogging boots and Cant wait to show you all the wonderful fun projects the kids and I have been working on. I or should I say We (the kids and I) have decided to try the Bento lunch system. C is so picky and she is always tyring new fun things in feeding group that i thought it would be fun if we made a game out of food, then maybe she would do better at eating a more variety of foods throughout the day. Our ultimate goal for her is to get her off the various supplements that she is on, so wish us luck. We are waiting on all our new fun things to come in the mail and hoping this will be a good bonding yet fun activity for me and the kiddos. B is so excited he is already deciding what he wants for lunch next week. Hope everyone is well and I'm so glad to be back. Happy Summer everyone.


Ron Cooper said...

All the very best to you and your family!

Stop by my blog, “Inspire!” for inspirational messages!

Unknown said...

Thanks for checking out my blog!

Loved reading your above post. Good Luck with your daughter and finding the right meds. I work as a special ed teacher and can understand how hard you must work!


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