I have sat down many times in the past few weeks, to stop a few minutes out of my day to write something magical, uplifting, spiritual something from my heart, and I seem to get hit smack in the face with a brick wall. Ever feel like that... Like you have so much on your mind... your heart and feel like it might implode before you can get it out and then realize at that moment that ..... WOW!!! your speechless.... then today I came across an amazing blog, Ashley totally hit the nail on the head for me and it is so that place that I needed to be today
She asked the question "Blessed to Be A Blessing (Building Kingdom Bridges)" she went on to talk about a Sunday service that she had attended that spoke of how to use your blessings whatever they might be to build those bridges, and to pour out GODS love to those around you. She went on to ask the questions I’d encourage you today to look at the blessings God has given you and ask yourself, “How can I use what God has given me to be a blessing to others? How can I build bridges with what I have?”
So I thought about it an realized my BRIDGE is Sewing, Crafty, and trying to live each day as he would see it. I think this story really has helped me write this post for who it is intended not myself, not about my sewing but about JOANNA SIBERT, a sweet vibrant little girl.. A precious angel sent by god to show us what STRENGTH, COURAGE, FAITH, and what it means to PRAY. Joanna was born 8 years ago with Spina bifida she has endured so much in her life, from surgeries, to doctors appointments, countless hours of therapy, road trips to Richmond, Canada, and Norfolk, Her parents have stopped at nothing to get her the care that she deserved... and needed. In July Joanna was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare cancer. She is such a fighter, no matter what at the end of the day Joanna can light up a room. She was recently featured in our local newspaper, Hampton girl battles multiple health problems
There have been various benefits to help her in her fight. If you have a moment stop by and read her journey at http://www.joannalee.net/
When I found out I felt very helpless Praying just didn't seem enough, I thought and thought and the only thing that I could do was sew... So I got in contact with her mom and decided to make JOJO a bag all her own she is such a special little girl and I felt blessed that they agreed. JOJO picked out the colors and I worked my magic here is the First Bag of PROJECT HOPE for JOANNA
I then made the 2nd bag for her mom because every momma needs a bag for all those trips back and forth to the hospital so bag #2
then I couldn't leave the sisters out so Project HOPE expanded to Bags 3 and 4
I am asking all my crafting friends out their the same questions Look in the mirror and ask yourself what blessings God has given you and ask yourself, “How can I use what God has given me to be a blessing to others? How can I build bridges with what I have?”
To all my crafty ladies and Gents out their I'm asking for volunteers for PROJECT HOPE FOR JOANNA, Its a small project I have been working on behind the scenes with some fellow crafters, If you are interested in helping out in Project Hope please email me for more details at cuddleflycreations@yahoo.com in the subject line please state PROJECT HOPE, we are looking for volunteers to show her how special she is.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. and GOD BLESS!!!